Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Brown Fairy Book_190

the bushes. An instant later, Thakane arrived, and standing on the bank, she sang:
Bring to me Dilah, Dilah the rejected one, Dilah, whom her father Masilo cast out!
Then the old woman came out of the water, holding the girl, now tall and slender, by the hand. And as Masilo looked, he saw that she was indeed his daughter, and he wept for joy that she was not lying dead in the bottom of the lake. The old woman, however, seemed uneasy, and said to Thakane: 鈥業 feel as if someone was watching us. I will not leave the girl to-day, but will take her back with me鈥� and sinking beneath the surface, she drew the girl after her. After they had gone, Thakane returned to the village,[url=http://www.cheapcoachpurses.org/fake-gucci-bags-c-10.html] cheap gucci bags[/url], which Masilo had managed to reach before her.
All the rest of the day he sat in a corner weeping, and his mother who came in asked: 鈥榃hy are you weeping so bitterly, my son?鈥� 鈥楳y head aches,鈥�he answered; 鈥榠t aches very badly.鈥�And his mother passed on, and left him alone.
In the evening he said to his wife: 鈥業 have seen my daughter,[url=http://www.outlet-guccioutlet.com/] cheap gucci bags[/url], in the place

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