Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Art Institute San Francisco_42165

Finding the right art school is a very individualistic decision especially if your interest lies in the arts. The Art Institute San Francisco was founded in 1871 and is one of the oldest and most prestigious schools of higher education in contemporary art in the U.S today. The core philosophy of the art institute of san francisco is based on the importance of creating programs where creativity and critical thinking are cultivated. AI San Francisco educates the creative leaders of the next generation. These are people who not only transform how we see the world, but also how we live in it. Years of tradition in art education are combined with 21st century technology and theory to provide programs abd degrees in a broad range of interests for all age levels. These courses are designed to meet the needs of beginning, intermediate, and advanced students and the art institute provides ongoing support to its students and alumni. Together, the integrated coursework enhances the quality of the educational experience. The art institute of san francisco offers courses and degrees from their culinary arts school, design school, graphic design school, photography school, and many more.

The Art Institute San Francisco also provides the art institute san francisco on-line which is an off-campus experience intended to complement, enrich, and extend the learning opportunities of the students served. The Walter and McBean Galleries in San Francisco provide summertime exhibitions and are supported, in part by the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts along with grants for the Arts/San Francisco Hotel Tax Fund. Only at the art institute of san francisco can you experience rejuvenation, new curriculum, new programs, and more offerings than ever before. The Art Institute San Fran is a place where students will encounter diversity in the people they meet, the faculty they work with, the visitors who come to experience a once in a lifetime encounter, and the students who become lifelong colleagues in a career that allows everyone to achieve their dreams. A san francisco art institute student is provided with all of the latest knowledge and technology available worldwide to prepare them for an exciting career in their chosen field.

In today�s economy many students are hesitant to commit to a school because of the costs involved however the san francisco art institute financial aid office will assist students in locating resources and funding that is available from both public and private agencies. When a student can devote their energy and focus to attaining their degree through the art institute of san francisco, they are allowed the opportunity to excel in their efforts while the san francisco art institute financial obligations are dealt with in the most effective and efficient way possible.

The Art Institute San Francisco and its innovative programs can help prepare you for a rewarding career in any of the many degree programs offered. Traditional programs in design and technology, film, new genres, painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpture and ceramics are now integrated with exhibition and museum studies, history and theory of contemporary art and urban studies to provide students with a cross-curriculum program that enhances their development in the field of their choice. The Art Institute San Fran has become a dominant force in the field of higher education for the visual arts due to its doctrine that power comes from creative work and knowledge. AI San Francisco is committed to your success. We know you will become resolute in accomplishing your own goals and dreams, as well, once you accept the challenge.

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