Friday, December 23, 2011


Zombies! The first thing that comes in our minds when someone mention this name is darkness and a corpse with no live in it, but is still moving in a way to harm us. Isnꊰ that creepy? Do they really exist or they live just in our imagination? Who created them? A lot of questions and ill try to answer it.

Zombies are hypothetical creatures of the sort that philosophers have been known to cherish. These creatures physically are identical to a normal human being, but completely lacks conscious experience. They act just like the persons we love, but what really differs them is their darkness in their inside. Zombies are very famous creatures that appears on books, movies and popular cultures. It represents a reanimated corpse, or a human being whose being controlled by someone else by the use of magic. Stories of zombies originated on the West African spiritual belief system of voodoo, which told of the people being controlled as laborers by a powerful wizard, voodoo is just another name for this phenomenon.

Actually there are three types of zombies. All of them remind us of human being in some strange way, and all of them are lacking something crucial.

?Hollywood zombies - These are found in zombie B-movies. Their defining feature is that they are dead, but "reanimated". They are typically rather mean, and fond of human flesh.

?Haitian zombies ?These are in the voodoo tradition in Haiti. Their defining feature seems to be that they lack free will, and perhaps lack a soul. Haitian zombies once were normal people, but underwent zombification by a ?bokor ?through spell or potion and are afterwards used as slaves.

?Philosophical zombies ?These are found in philosophical articles on consciousness. Their defining features is that they lack conscious experience, but are behaviorally ( and often physically ) identical to normal humans.

Something that differs historical zombies from the ones of our present is that they became more faster. In the past they were portrayed as slow ?moving creatures and in recent popular culture they have increased their locomotion.

So if you like zombies with all their darkness try on-line zombies games. Its your choice are you going to help them or you going to try and kill them, either way we promise you a great fun.

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