Tuesday, March 13, 2012

4 Big Reasons For Product Failure_73158

Many people who start off in affiliate marketing pick a product they feel is good, but get frustrated that it doesn抰 sell. There are four common reasons why the product doesn抰 sells well for them.

1. Trying to sell instead of presell. Online marketing is about building relationships. If you don抰 have a relationship built with your list, they抮e not gonna buy anything from you!

Don抰 think in terms of sell, think in terms of presell.

What are you going to do to develop your relationship with your list? The best way is always to give them the best advice available to them. This can come in the form of special reports, articles, and e-books.

2. Trying to sell a product that you haven抰 tried. Many people are so eager to sell something and they think its good, but they haven抰 even tried it!

Trying the product is absolutely necessary because you need to know what you抮e marketing and why it works.

Even worse, if you sell the product without trying it, you might miss out on the fact that it抯 a horrible product! If someone on your list buys it and realizes its garbage, they may never trust you again!

3. Overlooking the sales page. The product may be great, but if the sales page doesn抰 sell, the product will not sell! You have to really go with your gut on this. How strong was your desire to buy this product? What do you think someone else抯 reaction is gonna be? Why would they want it? If you need sales statistics, go to places like www.clickbank.com and look at statistics on products.

4. Marketing the wrong product to the wrong people. Marketing is about putting the write product in front of the right people, at the right time! Most products fill a certain niche. Make sure your product is being marketed to that niche!

To your success!


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