Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Goldmine Of Opportunity_73876

The CRM (customer relationship management) solution software GoldMine has been around for a long time now. As a matter of fact, they抳e been in existence for so long that their website is brave enough to claim having invented CRM. While it would take lots of research to verify this fact, one doesn抰 have to look far to read or hear about the benefits that GoldMine software has shared, and is still sharing, with its clients today.

A company will find it hard to transition from being a small enterprise to a medium or big corporation. Naturally, a company expands as its customer base grows. The benefit of being a small company is that there is almost no need to implement a CRM solution as the customer base is small and very easily handled and accessed by human memory.

The problem begins when the customer load begins to grow too large. As a company expands, several divisions or departments are created which effectively splits customer information storage centers. Now, imagine having to frantically run from one department to another in search of a specific customer file. The time that it takes to accomplish this coupled with time spent searching in file cabinets is an indicator that a new system has to be implemented to allow instant access.

With GoldMine software system installed in a central database, customer information is just a click away. This system also does away with the necessity to hire additional manpower just to keep all those files in order. With less time spent searching, sales department personnel can effectively focus on sales strategies and approaches to use when making sales pitches to customers.

It is very important to note that, not only does GoldMine store customer information, but it also stores customer histories. With a history in hand, a more detailed and productive strategy can be implemented for specific customers. This improvement will lead to higher rates of customer satisfaction and retention.

In terms of efficiency, GoldMine is able to automate routine sales management tasks. Mailing lists may be assigned to the GoldMine CRM system for automatic production. All that is needed is a pre-formatted letter or brochure and GoldMine software will pick relevant customers to send the letters to. This activity is called targeted mail listing where messages are sent to previous customers outlining current developments, updates or upgrades in relation to the product they purchased before. Being able to specifically target each customer according to previous sales data certainly adds to customer satisfaction and retention rates.

Finally, GoldMine software has built-in tools that allow it抯 users to generate sales activity reports and sales forecast reports. In addition, scheduling tools also allow personnel, team leaders and managers to schedule meetings and workshops. Based on sales reports and forecasts generated by GoldMine, the theme of the meeting or workshop may be instituted with just a single glance at the GoldMine software report sheet. The need for team leaders and managers to grope for each scrap of information they can get their hands on is eliminated.

What with the ability to create targeted mailing list programs, the efficiency in information dissemination and the priceless report information it gives out, GoldMine software is indeed a big benefit to businesses all over the world.  

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