Friday, March 16, 2012

A Tutorial On Web Directories_75206

Trying to become one of the top rated websites on the internet search engines is not an easy task to say the least. With the number of websites currently in operation creeping towards one trillion, there are those that believe that the old strategies for gaining a top rank may be dead, but there are still some things that a person should do if they have any chance of showing up in the search results of any of the top search engines. Thankfully these are anything but difficult and anyone with a small amount of internet related search knowledge can work through the issues. Working with these issues is fairly simple and the main goal is to get listed in the web directories.

Web directories are nothing more then storage facilities for website links and descriptions. That sounds simple enough right? Well what most people fail to realize is the fact that they are much more important then was previously thought, making web directories a top priority for those who are thinking of launching a website. This all stands to reason as web directories are the number one area where search engines and other systems look to produce information for web browsers around the world. The reason behind this is the fact that web directories are known to store and sort all of the links that are placed with them in a fashion that makes searching for the proper results simple. This creates an ease of operation for the search engines who normally use complicated equations in an effort to produce the best results.

Web directories are a completely opt in type deal. Only those who submit their website link and description directly to the web directories are listed and sometimes not even then. There are specific criteria for web directories that must be met before the link will be approved. In most cases this involves properly listing the category where the link will appear and an honest and clear cut mini description. For the most part the web directories of the net are edited only by a computer program that looks for certain markers and reads the keywords as they apply to the site. There are however several new human edited web directories that are in use by the giants of internet searching, like Google and Yahoo. With the human edited web directories there is a lot less chance of error and a better outlook for the search criteria.  

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