Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ditch The Usa And Earn Your College Degree In Australia Instead_40294

If you are a student who is considering college in the United States, it can be very frustrating. The costs of attending college are rising, and financial aid and scholarships are often less available than they were even a decade ago. Many students decide to bag it in the USA and instead attend an overseas college in Australia. The currency exchange rate is favorable, and many of the top universities in the world, particularly those offering business degrees, are located in Australia. The additional benefits that come from having a global worldview brought about by your studies overseas puts you ahead of the pack in terms of finding employment when you return to the United States or Canada.

Currency rates are pretty good at the moment for United States students to attend an Australian college. Every US dollar is currently worth $1.09 in Australian dollars, so your US money goes farther in Australia towards educational costs. Also factor in the fact that Federal financial aid, including grants and loans obtained through your home college, can be used toward paying for an Australian college degree program, which you can use to your advantage to leverage that money due to the favorable exchange rate to work more in your favor in terms of paying for school.

World-renowned educational opportunities are also available to you when you attend college in Australia. One such example of many is Australian National University in Canberra. This university has been rated a top university in Australia on numerous occasions by the Times Higher Education Supplement as well as the Newsweek International Top 100 Global Universities ranking. Noted for its research, it is a member of the prestigious International Alliance of Research Universities, which includes the University of Oxford and Yale University. If you are interested in a business degree, you will want to learn about the Graduate Management Association of Australia, which publishes a listing of the top rated MBA programs available in this country. Another top school, Griffith Business School, located in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast, received in 2008 the elite international accreditation for business schools from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, and is now part of the fewer than five percent of worldwide business schools that have received this honor.

One of the best results of an overseas education is the concurrent cultural immersion that you get to experience. Businesses in a worldwide marketplace are looking for new employees that can bring a multicultural perspective to work, and students that participate in a college degree program from Australia are well on their way to finding a great job, as well as making an impact in the workplace from their overseas educational experiences.

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