Thursday, July 18, 2013

Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix鍝堝埄娉㈢壒涓庡嚖鍑扮ぞ_928

if I could do Occlumency. I'm supposed to have learned to shut this stuff out. That's what they want.鈥� By 鈥榯hey鈥�he meant Dumbledore. He got back into bed and rolled over on to his side with his back to Ron and after a while he heard Ron's mattress creak as he, too, lay back down. Harry's scar began to burn; he bit hard on his pillow to stop himself making a noise. Somewhere, he knew, Avery was being punished.
Harry and Ron waited until break next morning to tell Hermione exactly what had happened; they wanted to be absolutely sure they could not be overheard. Standing in their usual corner of the cool and breezy courtyard, Harry told her every detail of the dream he could remember. When he had finished, she said nothing at all for a few moments, but stared with a kind of painful intensity at Fred and George, who were both headless and selling their magical hats from under their cloaks on the other side of the yard.
鈥楽o that's why they killed him,鈥�she said quietly, withdrawing her gaze from Fred and George

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