Saturday, July 13, 2013

鏆厜涔嬪煄锛氭柊鏈_New Moon_583

銆��"Bella鈥�?" Jacob asked in a troubled voice.
銆��I pulled my face out of my hands to see Jacob hesitating in the kitchen doorway,; he hadn't left when I'dthought. It was only when I saw the clear drops sparkling in my hands that I realized I was crying.
銆��Jacob's calm expression was gone; his face was anxious and unsure. He walked quickly back to stand infront of me, ducking his head so that his eyes were closer to being on the same level with mine.
銆��"Did it again, didn't I?""Did what?" I asked,, my voice cracking.
銆��"Broke my promise. Sorry.""'S'okay," I mumbled. "I started it this time."His face twisted. "I knew how you felt about them. It shouldn't have taken me by surprise like that."I could see the revulsion in his eyes. I wanted to explain to him what Alice was really like,Link, to defend heragainst the judgments he'd made, but something warned me that now was not the time.
銆��So I just said, "Sorry," again.
銆��"Let's not worry about it, okay? She's just visiting, right? She'll leave,Discount Clarisonic, and things will

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