Saturday, July 13, 2013

鏌虫灄椋庡0 The Wind in the Willows_49

the hedgerows,, held up their fore-paws, and said,, 鈥極 my! O my! O my!鈥� 琛屽墠鐨勫噯澶囧ぇ浣撳氨缁紝澶ц幏鍏ㄨ儨鐨勮熅铚嶉鐫�紮浼翠滑鏉ュ埌鍏婚┈鍦猴紝瑕佷粬浠幓鎹夐偅鍖硅�鐏伴┈銆傜敱浜庝簨鍏堟病璺熻�椹晢閲忥紝锜捐湇灏卞垎娲句粬鍦ㄨ繖瓒熷皹鍦熷讥婕殑鏃呴�涓共杩欎欢灏樺湡寮ユ极鐨勮剰娲伙紝鑰侀┈涓�倸瀛愮墷楠氭�姘旓紝鎵�互閫綇浠栧彲璐逛簡澶у姴銆傝熅铚嶄箻浠栦滑閫┈鏃讹紝鍙堝線椋熷搧鏌滃杩涙洿澶氱殑蹇呴渶鍝侊紝鍙堟妸楗叉枡琚嬨�鍑犵綉鍏滄磱钁卞ご銆佸嚑澶ф崋骞茶崏锛岃繕鏈夊嚑鍙瓙瀛愶紝鍚婂湪杞﹀帰搴曚笅銆傝�椹粓浜庣粰閫綇锛屽鍦ㄨ溅涓婏紝浠栦滑鍑哄彂浜嗐�涓夊彧鍔ㄧ墿鍚勯殢鎵�ソ锛屾湁鐨勮窡鐫�溅璧帮紝鏈夌殑鍧愬湪杞︽潬涓婏紝澶т紮鍎夸綘涓�█鎴戜竴璇紝鍚屾椂璇寸潃璇濄�閭eぉ涓嬪崍锛岄槼鍏夌伩鐑傘�浠栦滑韫磋捣鐨勫皹鍦燂紝棣欏柗鍠风殑锛岄椈鐫�彨浜哄績鏃风鎬°�澶ц矾涓や晶鑼傚瘑鐨勬灉鍥噷锛岄笩鍎夸滑娆箰鍦板悜浠栦滑鎵撴嫑鍛硷紝鍚瑰彛鍝ㄣ�鍜岃敿鐨勮繃璺汉浠庝粬浠韩鏃佽蛋杩囨椂锛屽悜浠栦滑閬撳0濂斤紝鎴栬�鍋滀笅鏉ワ紝璇村嚑鍙ヤ腑鍚殑璇濓紝璧炵編浠栦滑閭f紓浜殑椹溅銆傚厰鍎夸滑鍧愬湪鏍戠涓嬩粬浠鐨勯棬鍙o紝涓剧潃鍓嶇埅锛屼竴鍙犺繛澹拌禐鍙癸細 鈥滃搸鍛�憖锛佸搸鍛�憖锛佸搸鍛�憖锛佲�
Late in the evening, tired and happy and miles from home,replica belts, they drew up on a remote common far from habitations, turned the horse loose to graze, and ate their simple supper sitting on the grass by the side of the cart. Toad talked big about all he was going to do in the days to come, while stars grew fuller and larger all around them,Cheap Clarisonic, and a yellow moon, appearing suddenly and silently from nowhere in particular,

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